Argentijnse Gitaarmuziek door Luciano Massa
Zondag 12 februari om 15.00 u.
Luciano Massa brengt een zeer stemmig programma op klassieke gitaar met muziek van o.a., Mauro Giuliani, Johann
Kaspar Mertz en enkele Argentijnse componisten zoals Astor Piazzolla, Atahualpa Yupanqui, Juan Falú. Vrije bijdrage tvv de muzikant
Bio : zie beneden

Acclaimed by Abel Carlevaro as an “intelligent and talented guitarist with excellent conditions for the guitar and music”, Luciano Massa was born in La Plata, Argentina. He studied classical guitar at the Gilardo Gilardi Conservatory of his hometown under tutelage of Jorge Gordillo and then continued his studies at the Fine Arts Faculty (La Plata National University), graduating with honors as a Classical Guitar Professor. In parallel, he followed masterclasses in Buenos Aires with Víctor Villadangos, Eduardo Fernández and Eduardo Isaac. He completed his education abroad with Abel Carlevaro in Uruguay and Johan Fostier in Belgium. Through different guitar festivals he had also the chance to take part in masterclasses in Spain and Germany, given by some of the most renowned classical guitar players (David Russell, Aniello Desiderio, Pavel Steidl, Hubert Käppel), and ultimately found a great source of inspiration in the advices and lessons he received in Europe from Hughes Kolp, Ricardo Gallén and Mikhail Bezverkhny.